Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Needs & Opportunities 

Click the items below to learn more about our open volunteer opportunities.

Front Desk

The front desk/receptionist is vital in reflecting the vision and mission of Contact Ministries. They are the first point of contact for all who come to Contact Ministries (clients, donors, volunteers).  Individuals assist with greeting clients, administrative/clerical/computer work in the office Monday thru Thursday, 9am to 1pm.


Monday and Friday, sorting and organizing donations; Wednesday to help with shopping day, 9am to Noon.

Clients who are in need of clothing, bedding or household items can receive these from the Basement Boutique.  The goal of the BB is to serve the community in a dignified way by allowing women to shop for clothing in a pleasurable environment surrounded by Volunteers who are serving them through God’s love and compassion.

About the Basement Boutique

The Basement Boutique was established in March 2010.  It provides quality clothing and household items free of charge to our clients. The Basement Boutique was created with the heart of giving our clients dignity when accessing items of need. Just because someone is getting something for free does not mean it should be garbage- we pride ourselves in putting out quality items in the store. We have a partnership with Salvation Army and any items that we are unable to use, out of season, out of style or not quality, we are able to give to Salvation Army who have the ability to re-use or re-cycle. We also utilize our “red carts” to put overflow and in-season items out for the public to have access to for free and without coming into the office to fill out paperwork.


To provide on-site babysitting so our moms can attend classes. Monday thru Friday, 9am to Noon.

Meal Planners & Cooks

Groups/individuals to prepare or prepare and serve meals for shelter residents.

group opportunities



Click the link below to view our volunteer application – you can print the application then mail, drop by or email to volunteercoordinator@contactministries.com !




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